TrainingUpcoming remote training

Data Management Training

Build capacity in data stewardship, data science and research reproducibility

Open reproducible research is becoming ever more critical for answering today’s complex questions at the scale and speed needed for solutions. In collaboration with the National Center for Ecological Synthesis and Analysis, DataONE has developed lessons, best practices, and training programs in data management to support research efficiency, productivity, and transparency.

In-Person and Remote Training Workshops

Learn Directly from DataONE Experts

An innovator in data management and infrastructure, DataONE has partnered with NCEAS, leaders in data-intensive synthesis research, to offer access to experienced trainers, phenomenal resources, and an inclusive and interactive learning environment.

Our courses are short but intensive introductions that will build your skills in a variety of data science topics, ranging from the basics of programming in a new language to advanced computing techniques. As active practitioners in advancing the field of data science, our instructors are able to incorporate the latest advancements into the curriculum.

Curriculum At A Glance

Metadata - What is it and how to write a quality data description

Data Modeling - Tidy data for efficient access and storage

Publication - Data publishing, citation and credit

R - Data munging and writing functions in R

GitHub - Working collaboratively in git and GitHub

Workflows - Packages for publishing reproducible research

Data visualization - Working with ggplot and leaflet

GitHub pages - Publishing analytical webpages

RMarkdown - Literate analysis with RMarkdown

Open to researchers and students from any discipline or sector, courses are offered at NCEAS in Santa Barbara, California - and we welcome locals and travelers alike! We can also arrange a customized training at your home institution by request.
Due to COVID-19 our trainings vary in-person or an immersive remote environment.
Upcoming Training


Dates: October 7-11, 2024
Location: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara, CA

This five-day course is designed to help researchers apply essential data science tools to environmental research. It will teach particiapnts about open data, collaborative softward, and reproducible analystical workflows all while highlighting technical skills need to do open science in the ever-evolving data science field.

The course will be held in-person and run on October 7-11, 2024. Full details and information available at the link below.

Resources for Teaching and Self Learning

Support Elevated Data Literacy in Your Community

DataONE lessons and best practices are available through the Data Management Skillbuilding Hub; a repository for open educational resources for use in data management instruction and learning development. The Skillbuilding Hub is a community developed resource with materials applicable across a range of contexts, intended for use by researchers, teachers, librarians, information managers, or anyone who wants to learn or teach better data management practices. All the materials are CC0 licensed and designed for you to adopt and adapt to your needs.